Biology Tutors
Studying biology deepens our understanding of how living organisms work (from the largest mammals to microscopic DNA), how we evolved and how to improve health.
By studying biology students hone their analysis skills, problem solving, research skills, learn to record and present data. All of which are transferable to many other subjects.
Our experienced Biology tutors are here to tackle any problem areas. They are passionate about their subject and are ready to help students overcome any obstacle in order to help them achieve the grades they need to take their studies to the next level.
Meet some of our Biology tutors
11+ Common Entrance Biology
Life processes
Humans and other animals
Green plants
Variation and classification
Living things in their environment
13+ Common Entrance Biology
Cells and cell functions
Humans as organisms
Green plants as organisms
Variation, classification and inheritance
Living things in their environment
Feeding relationships
GCSE Biology
Keeping healthy
Nerves and hormones
The use and abuse of drugs
Interdependence and adaption
Energy and biomass in food chains
Waste materials from plants and animals
Genetic variation and its control
Cells and simple cell transport
Tissues, organs and organ systems
Organisms and their environment
Proteins- their functions and uses
Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Cell division and inheritance
Movement of molecules in and out of cells
Transport systems in plants and animals
Humans and their environment
Plan practical experiments
Risk assessment
Collect and interpret data
A-level Biology
Biological molecules
Organisms exchange substances with their environment
Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
Energy transfers in and between organisms
Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments
Genetics, populations, evolutions and ecosystems
The control of gene expression
IB Biology
Statistical analysis
Chemical elements and water
Ecology and evolution
Human health and physiology
Nucleic acid and proteins
Cell respiration and photosynthesis
Plant science