Making the most of online learning
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The unprecedented increase of COVID-19 has left us in chaotic and confusing times. It’s important to be able to balance your work and home life, especially since most schools have resorted to online learning. It’s easy to feel frustrated and unmotivated, but here are some of our tips to make the most of online learning:
Create a regular study space and stay organized: Set up a dedicated learning environment for studying. This could be your room, your kitchen or even your garden. By completing your work everyday at this study space, you’ll begin to establish a routine. It’s also important to remain organized- make sure you have easy access to your important dates, files, forms, syllabi, books and assignments just as you would at university. Don’t let the comfort of your home allow you to slack off.
Figure out how you learn best: Once you’ve figured out where you’ll learn, think about when and how you’ll grind through your work. If you’re a morning person, make sure to study first thing in the morning and give yourself the evenings to relax. If you’re more of a night owl, focus your routine on the nighttime.
Use online study tools: Online classes may make you feel like you’re learning on your own, but use this opportunity to collaborate and engage with peers to discuss and complete lessons and assignments as well as make the most of online study tools. At Love Learning Tutors, you can book a free online session for all levels such as 11+, 13+, GCSE just by clicking this link. No set up required! Our tutors will email you a link to join the session and you can print off the notes that you made together as a pdf. Super useful when reviewing at a later time.
In addition to this, it’s equally important to take care of your mental health at such uncertain times. The continuous barrage of information through our TVs, online and on social media can really take its toll. Some things you can do take care of yourself at home are:
Get dressed in the morning, shower and make a to-do list of the things you want to achieve to create a sense of normality and productivity. Check out our blog post How to motivate yourself to study: 5 science based tips for more information.
Move around the house. Change your environment for different tasks.
Try your hardest to restrain from unhealthy snacking habits you didn’t have before spending all this time at home.
Do something good for your mind and body at least once a day. Check out our blog post on keeping the mind and body moving at home; online workouts, free dance classes, yoga classes and meditations.
Stay connected by making the most of technology and staying in touch with colleagues, friends and family via phone calls, texts, social media and video conferencing but at the same time, limit media intake to avoid feeling overwhelmed by news overload. Find your perfect balance and stay informed about the situation via reliable sources.
And remember, take things one day at a time. We’re all in this together. :)