How to Overcome Procrastination
Are you staying up till 2.30 in the morning scrolling through YouTube and Instagram posts? Struggling with Science but keep telling yourself you have plenty of time to revise later? Maybe you’ve put off yet another homework or school assignment. If any of these sounds familiar, you’re probably suffering from student procrastination.
Improve your memory using Mnemonics!
Whether or not you realize it, you probably use mnemonics in your daily life to help you retain and recall information…
How to improve focus
That little computer in your pocket, your phone, was intentionally designed to be an addictive distraction. Each app is carefully designed to get you checking for updates over the day. Social media, Netflix and Youtube vie for your attention.
What to do when you compare yourself to others?
Other people’s beauty does not make you ugly. Don’t let another’s happiness make you sad. Be inspired to find your own path, your own strength, ideas, style, ambitions, insights, errors, education and grace. Offer yourself all you have. Accept yourself gratefully. - Rikki Beadle Blair
How to read faster for students
Ever thought that you had the potential to read faster and remember more? Like anything else, speed reading can be practised and improved. Try these speed reading methods once you’ve found the right environment for focused reading. It could be in a cafe or listening to classical music in a clear space, free of distractions.
Your Child's Mental Health | Mental Health Week 2020
As parents, regular check-ups to receive immunisations, constant encouragement to eat healthy and read books is part of the parenting manual. But, how often do you think about taking care of your child’s mental health? Mental health is just as important as physical health for your children, particularly when it comes to social behavior and academics. Here are some of our tips on how to take care of your child’s mental health
How do iPads affect your child's development?
Let’s face it, laptops, iPads, tablet devices and smart phones have become a part of our lives, whether we like it or not. But, just because times have changed, this doesn’t mean that we have changed as a species. Just how do ipads affect children’s development?