What to expect in Year 2 English?

In their English lessons in Year 2, your child will develop their knowledge of grammar and punctuation, as well as their speaking, reading, and writing skills.

Your child will become more familiar with spelling words using their phonics skills, and will learn to recognise and spell many common and tricky words such as because. They will be encouraged to explore their own ideas through creative writing and poetry, and will be taught how to use apostrophes correctly. Much of their learning will come from reading, talking, and listening.

In Year 2, your child will learn to:

Grammar & punctuation

Use capital letters for the start of a sentence and for proper nouns (names of people and places)

  • Choose the right punctuation mark at the end of a sentence: a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark (to show emphasis, humour or strong emotion)

  • Use conjunctions such as and, but and because, to join clauses. For example, ‘Stav cannot play because he has hurt his knee.’

  • Spot the four types of sentences: statements, questions, exclamations and commands

  • Use the present tense and past tense in the correct way

  • Use the progressive (or continuous) form of a verb such as ‘he was singing’, or ‘the class were singing’

  • Use the suffixes –ness or –er to turn adjectives into nouns, for example ‘kindness’ and ‘teacher’

  • Write noun phrases (phrases that work like a noun), for example ‘that parcel’, ‘three cows’ or something longer such as ‘the porridge that I cooked earlier’

  • Use the suffixes –ful or –less to turn nouns into adjectives, for example ‘hopeful’ or ‘helpless’

  • Use the suffixes -er or -est or -ly, for example, ‘louder’, ‘hardest’ or ‘quickly’

  • Use commas when writing a list, for example, ‘He bought bread, butter, jam and milk.’

  • Use apostrophes to show when letters are missing, for example, I’m, don’t, she’ll

  • Use apostrophes to show possession, for example ‘The girl’s voice’, ‘Ravi’s bag’.


  • new graphemes (letter groups to spell sounds) to represent the phonemes (sounds) they have already learnt

  • to spell words with suffixes including words ending in -ment, -ness, -ful, -less, and-ly

  • to use an apostrophe to mark where a letter is missing, for example don’t, he’ll

  • to use an apostrophe to show possession for single nouns, for example, George’s hat, the lady’s car

And that’s it for our guide to Year 2 English! We wish you and your little Year 2 all the best, and are super excited for you to engage with the course!

Also, if you’re struggling on having a will to study - here are some ways to improve focus!


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