What Children Need to Learn about Year 4 Maths

As they progress through primary school, knowing the best way to give your child help with their school work can prove very difficult as a busy parent. They'll encounter a treasure trove of mathematical marvels that will expand their knowledge and skills. Here's a glimpse into what's in store for them!

Number Adventures

  • Mastering Multiples: Get ready for some fun with numbers as your child learns to count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25, and even 1000! They'll also explore negative numbers, rounding, and the fascinating world of Roman numerals up to 100.

  • Place Value Prowess: Year 4 is all about understanding the place value of each digit in a four-digit number. From ordering and comparing numbers beyond 1000 to estimating and rounding large numbers, your child will develop a deep appreciation for numerical concepts.

Addition and Subtraction Escapades

  • Column Calculations: Armed with formal written methods, your child will confidently add and subtract numbers with up to four digits. They'll also sharpen their problem-solving skills by tackling two-step problems in real-life contexts.

Multiplication and Division Expeditions

  • Fact Fluency: Year 4 is the time for your child to become a master of multiplication and division facts up to 12 × 12. They'll use place value and derived facts to solve mental calculations and tackle more complex problems involving three-digit numbers.

  • Formal Methods Mastery: From short multiplication and division to applying the distributive law, your child will hone their skills in using formal written layouts to solve multiplication and division problems efficiently.

Fractional Fantasies

  • Decimal Delights: Year 4 introduces your child to the fascinating world of decimals, including counting in hundredths, recognising decimal equivalents, and solving problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places.

Measurement Adventures

  • Unit Conversions: Your child will become a measurement maestro as they learn to convert between different units of measure, measure perimeter and area, and solve problems involving time, money, and measures.

Geometry and Statistics Exploration

  • Shape Shenanigans: From comparing and classifying geometric shapes to identifying lines of symmetry, your child will embark on a journey to understand the properties of shapes and their positions on a 2-D grid.

  • Data Detective Work: Year 4 introduces your child to interpreting and presenting data using graphical methods, including bar charts and time graphs, and solving comparison, sum, and difference problems using information from various graphs.

Year 4 is filled with endless opportunities for your child to explore, discover, and grow in their mathematical journey. As they delve into the wonders of numbers, shapes, and patterns, encourage them to embrace challenges, ask questions, and most importantly, have fun along the way!

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