How to overcome test-taking anxiety and ace my exams?
You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you. Follow these tips to reduce your test anxiety and go into tests feeling calmer and more confident.
How to get an A* in my English Literature A-Level exam?
There’s no doubt, English Literature A Level can be challenging. It’s also an extremely rewarding and eye-opening subject though, that encourages new ways of looking at yourself and the world around you!
How to Write a Speech - English GCSE Exam (Updated for 2019)
A speech is simply an official verbal presentation that is meant to achieve a certain goal. The aim of making a speech or even writing one, could be to convince the target audience to buy your idea or even pay attention to your subject of discussion. Here are a few tips to help you score top marks in your GCSE English exam.
How To Revise For and Ace Your Biology, Chemistry and Physics Exams
So you’ve spent several years studying and revising everything you need to know to pass your science exams. Here are some tips and exam techniques to get you the grade for your Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSE , A level and IB exams.
6 Study Tips For Exam Success
IB, A-level and GCSE exams can be quite stressful. The results play a prominent role in your future. If you are preparing for any of these exams, these 6 tips are a blueprint for exam preparation and revision.
GCSE English Literature - Unseen Poetry Tutorial
You're sitting in the exam room for your English Literature GCSE and you are presented with a poem you've never seen before. What do you do? Catrin is here to walk you through it.
How to Revise – Does Listening to Music Help?
Does listening to music while you are revising help? Well, the studies in this area would suggest the answer is…read Zoe’s post to find out whether it supports your exam preparation of distracts you from it.
How To Approach Problem-Solving
The phrase problem solving has been a buzzword in education in recent years. Containing more content, it is an express aim of the new-style GCSEs to train students to become better problem solvers. However, whilst a lot of time in the classroom is spent learning topics, problem solving skills are different.
How To Ace Your Spanish Coursework And Oral
Spanish coursework is around the corner. Specifically, the Spanish Oral. Be it GCSE Spanish or A Level Spanish, fear not, my gift to you is five handy tips to help you through!
How To Write An Essay (For Any Subject)
Whether you are looking at your coursework or sitting a GCSE or A Level exam, breaking down the process into small and doable chunks will help you approach the question with confidence. No matter what you’re writing for, these steps will always be necessary for essay planning and writing.
How To Revise – Making A Revision Timetable
Approaching your exam there is an overwhelming feeling of regret, disappointment and anger. The following are some tips to help you in planning independent work so that you can feel confident when that deadline or exam finally comes around.
Top 10 Memory Tricks For Revision
Did you know that you can “trick” your brain into remembering information? Here are Love Learning Tutors’ favoured methods of revision, perfect for keeping key ideas in your noggin during exam season, whether you're doing your GCSE, A Levels or IB exams!
9 Ways To Help Your Children Through The Exam Period
You don’t need to be an expert to make a significant difference to your child’s academic career. Below are some quick tips on how to support your child through their exams; be it 11+, 13+ Common Entrance, GCSE, A Level or IB.